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Ranga: Bywalec
22-11-2024, 22:35

Having a lot of doubts in the mind people that the relationship will make them happy. The relationship will make him worthy and give them a feeling of joy. The relationship will give them a feeling of greats and erase all signs of grief from their life. In a relationship, people thought about their needs and wants. But they forget about other people. They started inspecting them all moments with their partners. They not only make their life hell but their's partners. 

Identifying this problem is a half bottle and the other half battle is to erase that battle from your life you feel insecure in the relationship? Do you feel frustrated after interacting with your partner? Do you feel a sense of loss when your partner talks about another person that's like you? Do you worry about the future of your relationship? If you have these problems, then you have an opportunity to change yourself. These feelings of frustration, insecurity, and worrying can make your relationship uncomfortable and exhausting. 

There are a lot of stepsu can follow to eradicate that problem up to an extent. 

1. Realizing that Worrying is not the Solution 

By Everton Vila on Unsplash 
In general, if we take stress about anything, then it will not make you strong to fight with the problem or it will give you the courage to face the problem. 

In opposite to that, it will make you weak, restless, and frustrated. In the end, you drive yourself in the world of useless thoughts. Stressing about will lead you nowhere. You will have listened about this q 

"Best fighters don't get angry at all" 

To solve any problem you have to be emotionally strong. 

I have been stressing about my relationship. This over stressing makes me awful in front of my partner. When I talk to her, my thoughts drive me to useless and futuristic thoughm trying to overcome this problem but my mind doesn't let me dol. In a relationship, if someone gets frustrated then there is a strong possibility than feels uncomfortable and unworthy. Feeling enjoyable is only based on one thing that is "Stop wanting and start living". 

If you have such an experience you will truly understand this point. If you follow the rule of giving, you will definitely get all a lot of things without any doubt. If you only imagine it's results you will definitely agree with my opinion. 

2. Knowing What is a Relationship 

By Alex Iby on Unsplash 
Before going into a relationship, you should know that what is a relationship and what is not a relationship. First, we start with what is a relationship. The relationship is the interaction between two people who share their feelings. It is the most important part of your life. It is the source of enjoyment. It is the measure of how compatible you are with your partner. If there's is enough compatibility and commitment then it can be into a beaiful relationship of marriage. In a relationship, the onork you can do is to sure that you are giving you. If the relationship is still not working, then it's mean you're not made for him or her. 

Now let's talk about what the relationship is not. A relationship is not the measure of your worthiness and goodness. It is not a source of happiness, worthiness, or the thing that you want in your life. It's not mean that the relationship can't give that thing. I am talking about expectations. If you have expectations in your relationship, you will probably not get anything. Instead of getting something, you will lose the happiness and relaxation that you already have. A relationship is also not a thing that should strive for and work for it. If you have good and lovely interaction with someone you will probably marry him or her after having some quality time. A relationship is also not a source of self-esteem. That's all that you should expect from your partner. 

3. Setting a Deadline 

By Alan Labisch on Unsplash 
A lot of people, let the relationship goes on that's totally worthless. For example, let's say that you meet a new person. Things are going very great. You talk regularly. You feel comfortable and safe with him or her. You share your all feel. But after some days you never get a reaction from him or her anymore, then your anxious days start out. 

And the feeling started falling ahead that makes your devastating. You feel nervous to show you with him or her. You feel always thought about your future possibilities of a relationship. In these situations, the next person who is maybe loyal or feel the changed behavior of yourself. In this way, the next person may consider you insincere. 

You will think of you that what I have done wrong? Am I not worthy? Am I a totally unlovable person? Does my personality is attractive? Am I ugly? But the other person may think that you have changed a lot and his sincerity may turn into insincerity. 

The solution to this problem is to set an ending of the relationship. Like you set a time to left relationship. This will make you happy and satisfied until the time taken. If the next p

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Ranga: Bywalec
24-11-2024, 18:26

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